Thymos Anti Sinus/Nasal Allergies Spray review

As a person who has been suffering from Sinus issues for years, I was a little skeptical when it comes to claims that medications would help especially a few doctors including specialists telling me that surgery is the best and possibly the only way to stop me from cursing every morning while sneezing nonstop. Then came this blogger friend who told me to try this product from THYMOS which is a brand from the UK. Things have gone for a better since. How? Read on to find out.. I first tried it out in the morning when I started sneezing. The haze outside was really obvious. Just 4 pumps on my shirt at the chest area brought instant relief. The very night I decided to try spraying on my pillow to see if I would still sneeze when I wake. Somehow this revolutionary AirShield Technology from UK works like a charm. I woke up and didn’t sneeze at all. The Invisible Airshield Technology is also odourless and safe for kids or even pregnant ladies as its ingredients are only active miner...