
Showing posts from January, 2010

Life's Good With DaVinci the Genius

So what's so good about it? Really wanna know? There once lived a great man named, Da Vinci, arguably the greatest genius of all time. Why? He was not only a brilliant artist but also a dedicated scientist, inventor, sculptor, musician, mathematician, engineer and architect. So how can one person be so many things at the same time? Want to know what are his contributions? Read on. The letter from LG How did I know? No, I didn't google it. I went to the "Da Vinci the genius" exhibition held in the National Science Centre, Bukit Kiara from 1st October 2009 to 17 January 2010 all thanks to LG who is also one of the main sponsors. View of the large exhibition banners in the main dome in the science center They gave me free tickets to the exhibition and on top of that, Starbucks vouchers. So how can life not be great with LG eh? My ticket The starbucks voucher Actually I went at the very last weekend of the exhibition(for the merchandise at a cheaper rate) with my brothe

Nokia X6 pre-launch review

I got a Nokia X6 as part of the Nokia Music explorer. So it has been over 2 weeks now that I have been using the phone. So how and what do I feel about the phone? What are the pros and cons of this phone? Let's see how I am going to do this without comparing it to other phones I have had. So what it all about the hoo haa of this phone? In terms of usability, the design of the phone is plain and easy for users to pick up on how to use it. The only problem seems to be the unlocking key which if you have long fingernails, you risk pulling out the whole thing all together. The sim card compartment is on the side. A good feature if you ask me as it allows you to put your SIM card in without removing the battery which usually causes a lost of information like recent calls. The problem lies in how are you going to get the SIM card out. Yes you guessed it right. You still have to pull out the battery. There are also complains of needing something thin to really push the SIM card deep enoug

Astro B.yond Bloggers Night Launch with something "interesting" with caption contest!!

Well I am supposed to post this up much earlier but something came up but I am not late right? It's only 10 days for god sake. I got a large backlog of entries to post actually. I was there at the Astro B.yond launch in Modesto's Desa Sri Hartamas thanks to Shaz Mukhtar , the Xfresh deejay who gave me the invite at the very last minute. I knew I had to go because he had invited me on so many events which I couldn't make it. Nice chap actually. So what is so interesting eh? Read on and you shall know. Yeah I reach late because I am working and Euveng and me somehow got lost on the way there. Hi my name is....(you dunno I will ketuk your head) Performance downstairs while I am eating upstairs. Too many people down there ok? Another one Huai Bin aka sixthseal the emcee of the day. At his back is the 4 main feature that the new Astro B.yond high definition has to offer. SEE, HEAR, TOUCH and FEEL!! I can tell you that the TV experience needs to be feel by your own self to real
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