Penang World Music Festival 2013

When I first signed up, little did I know I would be selected as a Liaisons Ambassador. So what did I do?

The experience I had was once in a lifetime thing. From the time I met the group I was in charge of, Kalayo from Philippines in the airport to the end where I sent them off at the airport, the bond was totally indescribable by words.

The press conference..

 The concert going on..

I have also learnt something new that there are no barriers in Music. Music is the common language. What do you do when your band is stopped at the immigration's door and was sent back leaving you alone? Kimi Djabate rise from that experience, coupled by performers from different bands helping him out, made the show even better.

Having the privilege of the back stage access and being close to the bands, I even joined them in their backstage galore in preparation for the finale which happens about an hour before the real deal on stage. Believe it or not, we actually didn't rehearse anything prior to that. Everyone just joined in with one or more instruments. There were singing, musical instruments blown, drums beaten, sound of the gong ringing in the ears creating the musical harmony I have never heard before.

Not to mention the crazy volunteers I met and worked with during the event. Without them, this event would be really unorganized. We worked together, shared experiences and eventually turned friends.

The crowd going wild waiting for the finale

The finale...

 Every now and then, thinking back. I miss those guys and girls from the festival and oh yes, the music is still ringing clearly in my head..


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