How to get from Pak Bara to Koh Lipe

At a lost on how to get to Koh Lipe? Stuck at Pak Bara or going over but finding it hard to get the schedules for the ferry/speedboat?

Route Boat Type Departure Return Trip Price
(1 way)
(2 ways)
Pak Bara - Tarutao - Adang - Lipe Speed Boat 11.30 AM
14.30 PM
9.30 AM
13.30 PM
650 THB 1200 THB
Pak Bara - Adang - Lipe Ferry 11.45 AM 10.00 AM 600 THB 1200 THB

Things you need to know before embarking on your journey:
  • Have light to no breakfast before the boat trip as you might feel nauseated
  • The boat trip can range from 1 to 3 hours depending on weather(rough sea could mean you throwing up your breakfast in the boat)
  • Be prepared to get wet(occasional splashes and also when disembarking on the island)
  • You might need the sea gypsies to taxi you from the shores of the island to the island itself and they charge 50THB/pax
  • Always book ahead of your trip for the boat/ferry to ensure you get a place
  • Arrive 30 minutes earlier at the terminal
One company I would strongly recommend as their service is superb is the B&D travel
Tel: 086-9642623, 086-2823348, Fax: 074-783062

Note: It's better to go direct to their counter just outside the ferry terminal to ask for a better rate. Depending on the season, they might offer you a better price.


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