Where to stay in Koh Lipe

The first headache that we travelers always get is where to stay when we are offshore on a foreign country and whether the place is clean and livable with a reasonable price. A check on websites around for hotels/rooms in Koh Lipe returns me with results ranging from 1500 THB to over 5000 THB. Now how do we know which is good and which is bad? Experience. Pull some strings here and there, ask around and you will surely get something close to your budget.

I for one did enough homework to land myself at the Smile Sunset Resort which I would recommend to others too.

My verdict
The Plus:
  • Clean Room, Bed and Bathroom
  • Cheap whole house rooms as compared to others on the island
  • Quiet(being top of the hill and the rooms are situated away from the main road compared to those build by the road side)
  • Transfer to and fro from the ferry/speedboat dropoff point - tricycles as taxi and you would be charged high price by those peddlers so call the hotel first before you reach
  • Free unlimited coffee and tea at their cafeteria
  • Free WiFi
  • Balcony on their units where you could sit at night and have a couple of drinks(did I mention unlimited amounts of coffee for free?)
  • 10% Discount at their restaurant when you are a guest of the resort

The Minus:
  • Mosquitoes - The island is a forest on it's own and thus we have the usual insect problem. They do provide you with the netting on the bed but a mosquito coil or 2 wouldn't hurt and in fact could help you from those blood suckers
  • No water heater (YET) - Every now and then the cold shower would do you good after a hot stroll along the beach
  • No swimming pool(This is a joke) - Do you even need one as the beach is less than 5 minutes walk?
Tean Muankul 085-6196486 or +66 85-6196486
Call direct and tell them you came from Wai Hoe's blog to get discount off their normal rates.


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