Astro B.yond Bloggers Night Launch with something "interesting" with caption contest!!
Well I am supposed to post this up much earlier but something came up but I am not late right? It's only 10 days for god sake. I got a large backlog of entries to post actually. I was there at the Astro B.yond launch in Modesto's Desa Sri Hartamas thanks to Shaz Mukhtar, the Xfresh deejay who gave me the invite at the very last minute. I knew I had to go because he had invited me on so many events which I couldn't make it. Nice chap actually. So what is so interesting eh? Read on and you shall know.
Yeah I reach late because I am working and Euveng and me somehow got lost on the way there.
Hi my name is....(you dunno I will ketuk your head)
Performance downstairs while I am eating upstairs. Too many people down there ok?
Another one
Huai Bin aka sixthseal the emcee of the day. At his back is the 4 main feature that the new Astro B.yond high definition has to offer. SEE, HEAR, TOUCH and FEEL!! I can tell you that the TV experience needs to be feel by your own self to really get what I mean. It's so clear you could see the holes and pimples on those footballer's face. Yes, it's that clear and as thou you are standing next to the actors.
Not enough with that? Look at the expression of the woman and the man on the TV and Euveng's facial expression? Can you feel the touch now?
The cubes for you to touch and photograph. Hahaha.
They have plenty of these anyways.
Why? Just so you don't get all itchy with the touch and mistakenly touched the girl next to you and get a tight slap on the face. Hahaha
Here's not Fresh, the killer!!! Don't be fooled by her not-so innocent look.
See Huai Bin got murdered. It's actually to promote their facebook game, Murder in the Details on the Astro Facebook Fan page to win a 1 year subscription to Astro B.yond and a 32" LG HDTV. You want? Go logon lo.
Whats best is there are unlimited food and free flow of beverages. Yes that's my tiger beer. Man I tell you what. The quality of the pictures taken decreases proportional to the amount of booze you have. See the pictures after this and you will know what I mean.
Jess and Shaz. Shaz pandang mana oi?
The banners at the entrance
Jojo and Botakai. Ok I confirm his hair is real!!
We are having candlelight dinner booze actually.
Nice? Bring your gf there next time.
The signature board.
The other board. Wanna know what I wrote?
There you go...
And here is the interesting part. Enter your own caption and post it in the comment section. The most creative and best caption gets featured on this blog!!
Guy in white: Wuahahahah I am__________
Suresh: What are you doing? Why are you____________
See the lady showing how to touch? "lu pegang bahu laki itu ini macam, goyang goyang(then muntah)"
Me, Shaz and Euveng
See what's the effect of booze have on your camera? Huh? You mean it's me? Damm I must be drunk then.
The Pinky(I feel like calling her pink panther from then on)who forgotten who am I. See blurr anot the pic? My advice? Don't drink and shoot.
This is clear as the anti shake mode is on.
Euveng, Henry(COO of Astro) and Me before we left the event.
Thanks Shaz for inviting me over, Astro for organizing this event and giving us the experience first hand before the public gets a show of what it's all about and the most importang one, my understanding darling who allowed me to go without sending me a single sms throughout the event.

Guy in white: Wuahahahah I am__________
Suresh: What are you doing? Why are you____________

Thanks Shaz for inviting me over, Astro for organizing this event and giving us the experience first hand before the public gets a show of what it's all about and the most importang one, my understanding darling who allowed me to go without sending me a single sms throughout the event.
Regards from cr3ap
from Nikel Khor
Guy in white: Wuahahahah I am__________feeling something extra flubby.
Suresh: What are you doing? Why are you____________ scratching my ass?
Lolz hope me wins. Hahah :)