Ten Things Men Know About Women









10. They have breasts.(or ...you should know what I am going to say here)

Wuahahaha! Sorry guys. I know this is a lame and short one but I just came back from Pangkor and I am dead tired. Still need to rush my report.


Kellaw said…
lol. finally show up again
Joseph Wan said…
hey Kellow, i am Chee Hung. What is your email. I need to discuss something with you.
Josephine said…
so nice. went to PAngkor...
Kellaw said…
jo - not so nice if you know where i stay. lol
Anonymous said…
welcome back from whatever.(Pangkor?)

eh actually breasts isnt tt important. Face more important. Look at some of the pop tarts, they have small boobies but pretty facees, and yet they have hoards of fan boys.
Kellaw said…
hamsap boi - pangkor is an island in perak in malaysia. yameh? but guys off the lights and that is all that matters lol. i really dunno la.
ωειΥ said…
yea, thanks for the dropped by. And i am here to say hi.
Kellaw said…
w3iy - welcome to my blog
Anonymous said…
LOL...seems like most of my blogger friends are working like some damn cows. (Me included la...barely got time to breathe, and so dead tired too.) Neway, take it easy bro...chill out when you're able to. Stress could actually kill, no kidding.
Kellaw said…
Clef - mine is worse than cow. cow work in the morning. I work both day and night. i sleep on average 2-4 hours daily now unless i have to donate blood(i will sleep the min 5 hours) how to chill. if i dont complete my studies there will be no money for me then. i know it can kill but lets see how much i can take
Anonymous said…
Nvm... I also sleep average of 4 hours a day. But try to take it easy bro...we're human after all. Once you push your body to the limit...very susah, I tell you, easily get sick and stuff. Anyway, dun say I nag lah. LOL... I'm just concern for your well being. If you kapoot or sth, I will miss your entries, you know...(though these days i barely have time to comment and stuff.... I'm here, reading ur stuff)
Calvin Soo KJ said…
got report still got time for blog.....heheheheh. chill man bro...we need time for relaxation. how was pangkor??
Kellaw said…
clef - i know i am human but still have to push to limits. reading my stuff keeps you sane lol. hahaha. so pray that i dont kapoot la.

calvin - i am still bloody typing my report as of now. getting sleepy but i know i had to go on still. relaxation was when i am here replying when i need some rest. pangkor? stressful and tired
AsX said…
Gee, how true is tat...
Kellaw said…
i dont know. why not you tell me lol. you are the one celebrating your 28th birthday not me lol
Lisa said…
eiii I like that t shirt hahahaha

so funny
Kellaw said…
lol lisa go buy or ask rei to make one for you since she is gonna make new one sumore. hahaha.

ronnie - glad you enjoy it. short but at least the readers liked it.
hahah when i look at the title.. i was like " huh? I thought men dunno anything bout girls.." till i look at the post XD

Kellaw said…
jian thats the beauty of my post la. you never know till you read all
Anonymous said…
lol? good one though.. =P
Kellaw said…
wah so old punya post still got ppl read. hahaha
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